
October 28, 2021

Library receives a grant from the Deux-Montagnes Lion’s Club

Deux-Montagnes, October 28th, 2021 – Yesterday, on October 27th, the Library of Deux-Montagnes has received a grant of $ 1500 offered by the Lion’s Club of Deux-Montagnes to expand its collection of large print books and audio-books.


October 26, 2021

Halloween: Candy distribution at the City hall

Deux-Montagnes, October, 26, 2021 – On the occasion of Halloween, and in compliance with current health regulations, a candy distribution will be held at City Hall on October 31 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. or until the candy runs out.


October 21, 2021

Firefighters from the Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-La honored by the Government of Quebec

Deux-Montagnes, October 21, 2021 – On October 10, the Quebec government paid tribute to 29 firefighters from the Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac as part of the Journée nationale de reconnaissance des pompiers et des pompières. These heroes were awarded the  Médaille pour acte méritoire  for their their intervention during the breakage of the Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac dike, on the evening of April 27, 2019.


October 6, 2021

Swearing-in of the elected officials of Deux-Montagnes

Deux-Montagnes, October 6, 2021 – The returning officer and city clerk of the City of Deux-Montagnes, Me Jacques Robichaud, proceeded on Tuesday October 5 to the swearing in of Mayor Denis Martin and the six municipal councilors, all re-elected , for a term of four years. They all have taken an oath that they will exercise their functions in accordance with the Cities and Towns Act and the Code of ethics and conduct of elected municipal officers.


October 4, 2021

2021 Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week runs from October 3 to 9 with the theme “Fire prevention is your responsibility!”. Knowing that 13 homes a day are damaged by fire and that half of them are related to distraction or human error, the importance for everyone to adopt safe behaviors takes on its full meaning.
