
April 7, 2022

Cocothon: Easter Egg hunt

Between April 10 and 19, the citizens of Deux-Montagnes are invited to participate in a Cocothon (egg hunting) for a chance to win one of four Easter chocolates drawn at random from among the participants!


April 5, 2022

Clean-up at the Deux-Montagnes Woods

It’s a appointment for clean-up on Saturday, May 7, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  in front of the train station on Deux-Montagnes Boulevard.  For more information, consult the web site:  or


March 16, 2022

Fire Protection at its Best: Near-perfect Score for the fire Department

Deux-Montagnes, March 16, 2022 – The Deux-Montagnes/Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac Intermunicipal Fire Department received a near-perfect rating in a Fire Underwriters Survey™ (FUS) after re-evaluating the fire protection and insurance ratings for the jurisdictions. And that’s excellent news for those living in Deux-Montagnes and Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac since the conclusive results of the survey could also translate into lower insurance premiums for them.


March 11, 2022

11 mars : Journée de commémoration nationale en mémoire des victimes de la COVID-19

Deux-Montagnes, le 11 mars 2022 – Il y a deux ans, la propagation de la COVID-19 avait atteint le stade de pandémie. En cette Journée de commémoration nationale, la Ville de Deux-Montagnes a mis en berne le drapeau du Québec à l’hôtel de ville. La Ville souhaite ainsi offrir ses pensées les plus sincères aux familles et aux proches des victimes de la COVID-19 et exprimer son soutien aux travailleurs de première ligne.

March 8, 2022

Flood management: special intervention zones (ZIS) replaced by transitional plan for the management of riverbanks, shorelines, and floodplains now in effect

Deux-Montagnes, March 8, 2022 – The Quebec government’s transitional plan for the management of riverbanks, shorelines, and floodplains came into effect on March 1. This transitional framework (entitled Règlement concernant la mise en œuvre provisoire des modifications apportées par le chapitre 7 des lois de 2021 en matière de gestion des risques liés aux inondations / regulations for the interim implementation of the flood-risk management amendments of chapter 7 of the Acts in 2021) replaces the  Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables  (policy for the protection of riverbanks, shorelines, and floodplains) and the special intervention zones (ZIS) established following the historic floods of 2019.
