Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


May 7, 2017

Water rise – emergency situation

The city of Deux-Montagnes has been in emergency position for several days. All Public Works and Fire Department  teams are deployed. La sécurité civile is also involved. Several residents had to be evacuated: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 13th and 14th avenues more Lakebreeze street and Boulevard du Lac. A accomodation Center is open at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall at 141, Chemin Grand-Moulin.

In case of immediate assistance, call 911 and firefighters can help you evacuate.Please note that the drinking water is perfectly consumable ( non- contaminated).

The information will be updated periodically.

May 4, 2017

Flood – safety instructions

Citizens who are flooded inside their home that might involve power supply should contact 911.