Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


May 11, 2017

Flood: Mayor’s message

Dear Fellow Citizens. I’d like to bring you up to date on the disastrous flood conditions still rampant in Deux-Montagnes at this very moment.To read more click here

Flood: flood rate is decreasing

According to flood ratings, the floodwaters reached 24.54 meters (data observed at 8 am today at Lac des Deux-Montagnes). The level has dropped 0.24 meters (24 cm) since Monday May 8th. As a reminder, the minimum flood threshold is 23.36 meters.


The Accommodation Center is always open at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall at 141 Grand-Moulin Road. The employees of the Red Cross as well as the City of Deux-Montagnes employees and the many volunteers are there to welcome you.To see the chart of flood rate levels for the last week click here.

May 10, 2017

Floods- A momentum of solidarity

In collaboration with the City of Deux-Montagnes, Dépannage St-Agapit has created a special fund to help the victims of Deux-Montagnes. […]

May 9, 2017

Flood rate, May 9th 2017

Today’s flood ratings, the flood waters now reach 24.73 meters (data observed at 5 pm this afternoon at Lac des Deux-Montagnes). According to meteorological modeling obtained by Civil Security, as of today, we should see a decline in the water level. […]

Water flood: Update on the financial assistance Program

The Government of Quebec has posted on the Public Safety website, the announcement of a financial assistance program offered to the victims affected by the floods that have occurred since the beginning of April. The City of Deux-Montagnes was designated as part of the affected cities.
