Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


May 15, 2017

Flood:**Information session** for the victims

NEW LOCATION:  The Ministry of Public Safety (ministère de la Sécurité publique) will hold an information session for citizens of Deux-Montagnes on MAY 17th  AT  7:30 pm , ST-AGAPIT CHURCH, 1002 Oka Road.


Flood victims: General informations

The City of Deux-Montagnes has produced a plan of action for a crisis exit to the citizens. You will find attached sheet 2 containing General informations for the flood victims. As a reminder, you will find Fact Sheet 1 of the action plan for a crisis exit in the heading call: Returning home after a flood.


May 14, 2017

Decreased water level

The water level of Lac des Deux-Montagnes dropped to 24.14 meters. As a reminder, the minimum flood threshold is 23.36 meters.

The level has dropped 0,64 m. (64 centimeters) since Monday May 8th.

May 12, 2017

Returning to you home after a flood

There is a lot of work and procedures for the victims to return at home after several days of evacuation. Here is what the flood victims must do from now on.


Flood: what should we do after?

As a result of heavy rains and flooding, the Ministry of Public Safety produced a leaflet about valuable advice and follow-up instructions for cleaning residences. […]