Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


May 19, 2017

Red-cross – additional financial aid

Thanks to the generosity of the population, partners and businesses, the Red Cross offers more than $ 3 million in direct financial assistance to flood victims across Quebec. Recovery assistance will be provided based on the specific needs of the families most affected by the floods.

If you have not already done so, you can register for the Royal Canadian Legion at 141 Grand-Moulin Road or by calling 1-800-863-6582 or online


May 18, 2017

Flood victims: Important informations

Following the information session held on May 17th 2017, you will find some information transmitted during the session:


Great clean up – Monday, May 22nd ,2017

Several disaster victims require help to empty their homes and clean up debris following the floods in 2017. To help the victims, the management of the recreation and community development department is in charge of the organization of volunteering. You can reach them at 450-473-4700 ext. 201.

There will be a large rally on Monday, May 22nd  at the Royal Canadian Legion, at 141 Grand-Moulin Road in Deux-Montagnes as of 9 am. If possible, bring your gloves and protective gear. Thank you in advance for your great support!


Flood victims- Financial aid

For assistance with financial claim forms, contact the Ministry of Public Safety at1 888 643-2433.

May 15, 2017

Opening of the streets: major cleaning

The water level is decreasing and reaches 24.01 meters according to the data observed today at 1 pm. As a reminder, the minimum flood threshold is 23.36 meters. Since Monday, May 8, the level has dropped 0.77 m (77 centimeters).

The Fire Department opened all streets.Do not forget your property remittance form by contacting the Fire Department at 450-473-2730 before entering your home.

All sand bags that have been in contact with flood water can not be reused because of contamination. Citizens must dispose of them on the side of the street. The Public Works Department of the City of Deux-Montagnes is starting today the great collection of residues from the floods.