Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


August 17, 2017

A natural, well-deserved break from it all

Seven children from families hard hit by the 2017 spring floods were given an opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable experience at Camp Saint-Donat through an initiative by the summer camp, plus a contribution by the City of Deux-Montagnes, and funding from the Caisse Desjardins de Saint-Eustache-Deux-Montagnes. For 50 years, the camp has welcomed young people from 6 to 16 and from different backgrounds for a memorably enriching experience in outdoor living, deep in the heart of the beautiful Lanaudière region.


August 1, 2017

Flood victims: Decree modified

The City of Deux-Montagnes has received very important information regarding the amendment of regulations particularly for some zones affected by the 2017 spring floods.


July 20, 2017

To come : Psychosocial information session

The information session is an opportunity for flood victims to restore and / or increase their sense of security, confidence, competence, self-esteem and autonomy by insisting that they can recover from the event. It is a group activity.

They will be able to talk about their experiences in connection with the floods and receive support from the psychosocial stakeholders of the CISSS. Exchanges between participants aim to normalize real-life responses, teach them how to manage stress, reduce cognitive distortions about the event, identify the emergence of a coping problem, and receive Advice to deal with them.

The ultimate goal of this activity is to foster the integration process of the event.

The psychosocial information session will take place on August 22, from 7 pm to 10 pm at the CLSC Jean-Olivier Chénier, at 29 chemin d’Oka.

The chemin d’Oka will be closed due to construction work. Please provide an alternate route.

July 19, 2017

Flood victims: meetings by appointment

Flood victims who wish to meet with a Sécurité publique du Québec deleguate can do so by first making an appointment with the Sécurité publique at 418-643-2433 or 1 888 643-2433.

A Sécurité publique du Québec deleguate will be available only by appointment at the City Hall, 803 chemin d’Oka, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 1 pm to 7 pm and on Fridays from 9 am to noon, until mid-August.

July 6, 2017

Public meeting for the flood victims on July 10th

The Government of Quebec wishes to hear from individuals and organizations who would like to express their views on thegovernment decree at the Public Consultation Meetings regarding the 2017 Spring Flood.

Ministère des Affaires et de l’Occupation du territoire MAMOT is planning many public consultation meetings and in all Quebec regions for the flood victims.


For the citizens of the Laurentians region, the consultation will take place

When:   Monday, July 10, 2017

Time:     7:00 pm

Where:  Olympia arena

              611, 20th Avenue, Deux-Montagnes, QC, J7R 6B2