Tell us your comments and questions related to the floods.


November 6, 2017

Information on the level of the Deux Montagnes Lake and the Mille Îles River

The level of the Deux Montagnes Lake has risen significantly in recent days. The City of Deux-Montagnes remains in contact with the Sécurité civile du Québec on this subject. According to the official information, the level is expected to come down after the expected rains tomorrow and Monday. The Quebec water data site currently indicates that the Lake of Deux Montagnes and the Mille Îles River are at a “normal” level despite increases in recent days. Citizens will be notified through our website and various other modes of communication if we go into “surveillance” mode. The situation will be re-evaluated periodically and we will inform you if preventive measures should be put in place.

October 19, 2017

Progresses of the dike project in Deux-Montagnes

The petition launched by the mayor of Deux-Montagnes, Mr. Denis Martin, following the major flood that occurred last spring, has obtained over 2200 signatures, representing 25% on the residents living in Deux-Montagnes. After presenting the petition a few weeks ago, to the provincial deputy Mr. Benoit Charrette, Mr. Mayor Denis Martin deposited a copy of the petition to the National Assembly on Tuesday, October 17th. […]

October 2, 2017

Two days of personalized meetings october 16 and 17 to accompany the flood victims of Deux-Montagnes organized by the ministère de la Sécurité publique du Québec

Personalized meeting days will be held on October 16th from 2:30 pm to 8:30 pm and on October 17, from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm at the Annette-Savoie Room of the Centre des loisirs of Deux-Montagnes to accompany last spring’s flood victims. […]

September 26, 2017

To the flood victims included in the 0-20 years flood zone

The City of Deux-Montagnes submitted a Legal Collective Exemption request to the Government of Quebec to allow the reconstruction of the affected residences located in the 0 – 20 years flood zone.

To read more about the subject click on the following links:

Press release regarding the Legal Collective Exemption zone

Map of Deux-Montagnes showing the zone covevered by the Legal Collective Exemption.

Process regarding the disaster victims for this specific 0-20 years flood zone


Government policy regarding the protection of rivers, coastal and flood plains

To consult the application of the Government policy regarding the protection of rivers, coastal and flood plains (PPRLPI) and addition of mechanisms for its application in french version only,click on this link