
October 21, 2021

Firefighters from the Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-La honored by the Government of Quebec

Deux-Montagnes, October 21, 2021 – On October 10, the Quebec government paid tribute to 29 firefighters from the Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac as part of the Journée nationale de reconnaissance des pompiers et des pompières. These heroes were awarded the  Médaille pour acte méritoire  for their their intervention during the breakage of the Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac dike, on the evening of April 27, 2019.

Although this team of 29 firefighters is among the winners of the 2020 edition, the Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Security, Ms. Geneviève Guilbault, wished to highlight the leadership and the surpassing of oneself they have shown during this exceptional intervention. Note that the official 2020 recognition ceremony did not take place due to the pandemic context.

The team of 29 firefighters who were awarded the Médaille pour acte méritoire:

  • Director Norbert Vendette
  • Captain Steve Charron
  • Captain David Michaud
  • Captain Bradley Mills
  • Captain Terrence Whitton
  • Lieutenant Brent Martin
  • Lieutenant Patrice Paquette
  • Lieutenant Robert Slovick
  • Lieutenant Louis Viau
  • Mathias Béchiau
  • Dominic Béland
  • Jean-François Chartrand-D’Aoust
  • Éric Clark
  • Félix Clouette-Laflèche
  • Philippe Côté
  • Alexandre Filiatreault
  • Sébastien Gagnon
  • Jonathan Gladu
  • Ryan Kiley
  • Pierre-Olivier Langlois
  • Samuel Larochelle
  • Sébastien Lizotte
  • Alexandre Longpré
  • Jean-Luc Martin
  • Randy Mills
  • Stewart Mills
  • Steve Nguyen
  • Giovanni Pino
  • Benoît Taillefer

“The intervention of these firefighters on the evening of April 27, 2019 was quite exceptional. For their speed of intervention, their expertise, the self-control and the empathy they have shown, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the citizens of Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac” expressed the mayor of Deux-Montages, Denis Martin.

Appear in the photo, last row from left to right: firefighter Jean-François Chartrand-D’Aoust, firefighter Éric Clark, Captain Steve Charron, Lieutenant Robert Slovick, firefighter Sébastien Gagnon and Lieutenant Brent Martin. In the front row, from left to right: firefighter Pierre-Olivier Langlois, firefighter Giovanni Pino and firefighter Stewart Mills

To know more :

About the Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac

The Intermunicipal Fire Department of Deux-Montagnes / Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac serves a population of over 37,000 citizens and covers an area of ​​approximately 16 square kilometers. Annually, the Fire Department responds to more than 900 calls for intervention in the territory as well as assistance in neighboring towns.