
June 5, 2020

Partial reopening of the library as of June 9th : Take-out service available by appointment!

Deux-Montagnes, June 5, 2020 – The Deux-Montagnes Library is pleased to announce its partial reopening and the implementation of a take-out service, by appointment and contactless, available as of June 9th!

To take advantage of this service (and new readings!):

  • Subscribers must reserve the documents of their choice in the new online catalogue.
  • The library will prepare the order, meticulously complying with all applicable health guidelines.
  • The Subscriber will be contacted by phone to schedule a pickup appointment. This may take a few days after making reservations.
  • At the agreed time, the user may collect the bag identified with his/her name at the library’s entrance, in accordance with the health instructions on site.

It is important to know that the shelving is not accessible to the public, as required by the government.

Cleaning and disinfection of documents

As a preventive measure, the documents will be quarantined for a period of 72 hours as soon as they leave the drop books and will be returned to the shelves after this period, which is the period prescribed by the health authorities.

AT NO TIME should the subscriber clean the borrowed documents, either upon return home or before returning them, in order to avoid damaging them. If necessary, a replacement fee will be added to the subscriber’s file.

The library catalogue has been modernized!

Library subscribers will notice that the home page of the library’s catalogue has been modernized, offering an up-to-date visual style and several advantages: more detailed access to their files, more user-friendly and improved navigation and the opportunity to create reading lists.

By using the search tool, subscribers will be able to target results by type of document, by subject, or limited to available copies with a single click. These results can be collated into reading lists that each subscriber can name, edit, download, print and delete as they wish. A great way to optimize library visits!

Reopening of the external drop books

The drop books can again retrieve the documents to be returned at any time. Due to the quarantine of the documents upon their return for a minimum of 72 hours, there will be a delay between the time the books are returned and the time they are removed from the subscriber’s file. The subscriber will still be able to make new document reservations. Subscribers have until June 30 to return the documents in their possession.

Remember that digital resources and books are always available and accessible 24 hours a day by visiting the   Library’s website . A “Questions and Answers”  document is also available online.

For any other questions or for take-out service available by appointment, citizens are invited to call 450 473-2796, option 5, or to contact the library by email at