
September 24, 2018

Legalization of Cannabis

Effective October 17, 2018, the federalCannabis Act will receive Royal Assent. It will then become legal for any adult Canadian citizen (age to be determined by each province) to buy, possess, or consume cannabis.

On the provincial side, the Quebec government passed theCannabis Act. This Act sets out the legal measures that will support the achievement of public health and safety objectives. In Quebec, the legal age to buy, possess, or consume cannabis will be 18.

On the municipal side, the City of Deux-Montagnes, in consultation with the other cities served by the Lac Des Deux-Montagnes Police Board, will adopt an amendment to itsQuality of Life By-law.

City of Deux-Montagnes intends to prohibit the use of cannabis in all public places in the municipality.

The first reading to adopt this amendment to theQuality of Life By-law will take place at the regular City council meeting on October 11, 2018.